Episode 11 - Raw is Star Wars

4 years ago

We welcome special guest Zach "Salacious B Crumb" Hagenbucher to the Bar! Zach doesn't give a flip what your mother has to say, he's here and he's ready to talk about Zach things. That means this is the professional wrestling/Star Warscast that you've all been dreaming about as you drool on your lil' pillows. BUT THIS PUPPY IS OVER 2 HOURS LONG SO YOU BETTER BELIEVE WE ALSO TALK ABOUT: Telling Lies, Borderlands 3, Wii U Disc Edges, Gears 5 of War, F1, The Milwaukee Brewdawgs, Cabela's Ice Monster Poachcraft Simulator, and many other things. If you make it all the way through you win a prize! The prize is Michael's IPA backwash.

Copyright Tucker Phillips